Occupation forces demolish a house in Al-Walaja, west of Bethlehem

Bethlehem - Ma'an - On Sunday morning, the occupation forces demolished a house in the village of Al-Walaja, west of Bethlehem. The owner of the house, Ghassan Al-Atrash, told Ma'an's correspondent in Bethlehem that the occupation forces were notified of the demolition of the house three months ago under the pretext of building without a permit. He was waiting for a court decision, but the occupation forces demolished the house before the end of the period. A large force of the occupation army, accompanied by a military bulldozer, stormed the Ain Jwiza area in the village of Al-Walaja, and began demolishing the house and vandalizing the surrounding area. The house is inhabited by 3 citizens, and its area is 50 square metres. The occupation forces also destroyed the walls surrounding it. Source: Maan News Agency