KSrelief Signs Agreement to Improve Women’s Access to Reproductive Health Services in Somalia

Riyadh, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) signed yesterday, on the sidelines of the 3rd Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum (RIHF3) in Riyadh, a cooperation agreement with UN Population Fund (UNFPA) to improve access for dis…

Riyadh, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) signed yesterday, on the sidelines of the 3rd Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum (RIHF3) in Riyadh, a cooperation agreement with UN Population Fund (UNFPA) to improve access for displaced and vulnerable females in Somalia to reproductive health services; the agreement is bound to help 88,906 individuals to benefit directly and 3,993,906 individuals indirectly, from these services.

The agreement also aims to reduce child mortality by providing reproductive health services for pregnant women and girls in Somalia at 13 reproductive health centres in the targeted regions, equipping operating rooms with the medical devices necessary to perform surgeries, and medicines needed by pregnant women to treat potential complications. It also stipulates allocating budgets necessary for assessment and health education teams, paying the salaries of medical staff working in health centres, and establishing three surgical camps for fistula patients.

This agreement is part of the Kingdom’s efforts, represented by KSrelief, to support the health sector and care for the health of women and children in Somalia.

Source: Saudi Press Agency