Iran is among the world’s top 10 countries capable of manufacturing and launching satellites and is ready to help Syria build communications satellites, says Minister of Communications and Information Technology Issa Zarepour. Zarepour made the remark…

Iran is among the world's top 10 countries capable of manufacturing and launching satellites and is ready to help Syria build communications satellites, says Minister of Communications and Information Technology Issa Zarepour. Zarepour made the remarks in an interview with IRNA published on Friday, The minister has been accompanying President Ebrahim Raeisi during his key two-day visit to Syria. He said during his trip to Damascus that Iran and Syria signed a memorandum of understanding for bilateral cooperation and that the two countries' telecoms ministers and deputies held a working meeting to discuss ways to implement the agreement. He emphasized that the two sides also reached good agreements to increase exports in the field of communication products. Both sides exchanged views about the participation of Iran's private sector in building the required infrastructures in Syria, the minister said. Zarepour added that Tehran and Damascus also reached positive agreements in the field of designing digital services while Iran vowed to share its experience with Syria on the e-government. A working group, comprising of the two countries' representatives, has been set up to pursue the implementation of the agreements, he noted. Back in February, Iran unveiled two indigenous telecommunications and imaging satellites designed and manufactured by the country's specialists. The two technological achievements, dubbed Nahid-2 (Venus-2) and Tolou-3 (Sunrise-3), were showcased during a ceremony on Tuesday in Tehran on the occasion of Iran's National Day of Space.

Source: National News Agency - Lebanon