Technology hegemony the U.S. prohibits renewals of export permits for China’s Huawei

Technology hegemony the U.S. prohibits renewals of export permits for China’s Huawei. China’s government accused Washington of pursuing “technology hegemony” this week, as the United States has begun putting pressure on tech company Huawei by blocking access to American suppliers.

According to two people who know the situation, the Biden administration has stopped approving renewals of licenses to a few U.S. companies that have been selling essential component parts for the Chinese company. The two people were not authorized to comment publicly on the issue, and they spoke on the confidentiality of the matter.

This company that makes smartphones and network equipment are on the U.S. Commerce Department’s list of entities, which comprises those subject to licensing requirements in 2019. The company has been permitted to purchase less sophisticated components. But the new restrictions could cut Huawei’s access to chips and another tech since large U.S.-based companies such as Intel and Qualcomm are forced to wind off business with the company.