Second Saudi relief plane arrives at Adana Airport to participate in helping earthquake victims in Syria and Turkiye

Adana, Turkiye– The second Saudi relief plane arrived at Adana airport in Turkiye today, carrying 98 tons of relief materials, including food baskets, tents, shelter bags, blankets, and rugs in addition to medical supplies, within the Saudi relief air…

Adana, Turkiye-- The second Saudi relief plane arrived at Adana airport in Turkiye today, carrying 98 tons of relief materials, including food baskets, tents, shelter bags, blankets, and rugs in addition to medical supplies, within the Saudi relief airlift operated by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) to help the earthquake victims in Syria and Turkiye, in implementation of the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and HRH Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, and Prime Minister.

This aid is an embodiment of the humanitarian role played by the Kingdom, represented by the King Salman Relief Center, towards brotherly and friendly countries in various areas hit by crises and tribulations.

Source: Saudi Press Agency