Saudi General Court of Audit Signs MoU to Strengthen Work with Kyrgyz Accounts Chamber

Bishkek, Saudi General Court of Audit (GCA) President Dr. Hussam bin Abdulmohsen Al-Anqari and Kyrgyz Republic Chamber of Accounts Chairman Almazbek Akmatov signed today a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation in the field of accounting, control, and professional work, at the headquarters of the Chamber of Accounts in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. The Saudi Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic, Ibrahim Radi Al-Radi, attended this event. The MoU aims to enhance cooperation between the two parties in the field of financial auditing, compliance, and performance audit within the framework of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI). The MoU aims to enhance the exchange of experiences and consultations in research projects on topics of shared interest. It also aims to organize training programs in the field of financial auditing, compliance, and performance control, as well as designing work manuals and training programs shared between the two sides. Dr. Al-Anqari pointed out that this agreement comes as an extension of a number of similar agreements concluded by the General Court of Audit with several counterpart agencies at the regional and international levels. The agreements reflect in their entirety the high professional status of the GCA and its ability to transfer its distinguished professional expertise to similar bodies in brotherly and friendly countries. Source: Saudi Press Agency