SABIC Wins Platinum Medal in Sustainability from EcoVadis

Riyadh, SABIC, chemicals world leading company, has won the platinum medal from EcoVadis, awarded to distinguished companies that are among the highest 1% in the evaluation of sustainability practices.

Bo van Zeeland, General Manager and Chief Counsel Compliance and Litigation at SABIC, stressed that this entitlement comes at a time that stakeholders, through the global value chain, expect compliance of companies that work with them to show concern of their employees, the societies in which they operate and the entire planet.

Zeeland added that SABIC's presence in more than 60 countries makes it inevitable to offer sustainable value, noting that this classification is a certificate for the ongoing efforts of the company to develop its practices to meet the sust

In 2020, SABIC received the platinum medal for sustainability from EcoVadis, which, in 2019 classified the Saudi conglomerate among the best 1% in terms of performance in the industrial category "Companies of basic chemicals, fertilizers, plastic and industrial rubber".

Source: Saudi Press Agency


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