North Oil is preparing to develop its fields with a British company

A source in the North Oil Company announced that work is underway to prepare to start developing the oil fields in the North Oil Company. The source said that the Deputy Director General, Burkan Hassan Abdullah, held a meeting that included a number of directors of the bodies (operations, engineering, projects, fields, and materials) and the relevant technical departments, in order to develop an action plan to reach the highest possible production from the fields (Kirkuk - Bai Hassan - Jambur - Khabbaz) to then calculate the start line for production by the North Oil Company before handing over the fields to the British company (BP) in the event that the contract is proceeded with, which will be the basis for negotiating with the company. The Deputy Director General pointed out the importance of the recent licensing rounds that came within the framework of the efforts of the National Service Government, and the efforts of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs / Minister of Oil to strengthen the nati onal economy. The meeting discussed files related to the reality of production through the implementation of the drilling and reclamation plan by the Fields Authority during the year, and conducting activities to activate wells without a tower and expediting the provision of yards in coordination with the Projects Authority, with the completion period of each yard set at three weeks. During the meeting, the Projects Authority and the Contracts and Procurement Department stressed on the need to follow up on the orders for extending pipes and completing their preparation within the specified time period to connect the Bai Hassan wells (198 - 199), with implementation to be within a month. On the sidelines of the meeting, the Undersecretary directed the formation of a working team from (the Projects Authority, the Engineering Authority, and Production Maintenance) to connect the valves of five wells in the Khabbaz oil field, complete the repair of damaged pipes at the Shuraw / Qubbat Baba station, and stabili ze the production rates of the wells northwest of Avana, according to the expected plans for the Kirkuk oil field, which would contribute to raising the efficiency of the production process, in addition to approving some recommendations necessary for the sustainability of the production process Source: National Iraqi News Agency