The occupation forces arrest 20 citizens from the West Bank

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Israeli occupation forces arrested at least 20 citizens from the West Bank since yesterday evening until Monday morning, including a girl, a woman who was held hostage by the occupation, in addition to a child and former prisoners.

The Prisoners Club and the Commission of Prisoners and Freed Prisoners Affairs said in a joint statement that the occupation summoned a group of girls from the Hebron Governorate, including students and former prisoners.

The statement added that the number of arrests in the West Bank since the occupation announced the last military campaign has risen to about (130) arrests, and these cases are confirmed by the institutions, in light of the continuation of the military operation in Jenin for 6 days, and the inability to know the final number of arrests in the governorate, which is estimated in the dozens.

He pointed out that the occupation forces continue to implement systematic arrest campaigns, as one of the most prominent fixed policies, which has escala
ted in an unprecedented manner since the beginning of the ongoing war of extermination, not only in terms of the number of detainees, but also in terms of the level of crimes they commit, in addition to the raids on the homes of the families of detainees, which are accompanied by widespread acts of sabotage and destruction.

It is noteworthy that the occupation forces have arrested more than 10,400 citizens from the West Bank, including Jerusalem, since the beginning of the ongoing war of extermination and comprehensive aggression against our people.

Source: Maan News Agency