Riyadh, The Official Spokesman of the Ministry of Health Dr. Mohammed Al-Abdulali reaffirmed here today, that the community awareness has greatly helped in decreasing the Coronavirus infection curve, urging all to continue commitment to applying precautionary measures set, reach the positive trends through the vaccine up taking, indicating that the coronavirus infection is very dangerous and is not as rumored.
The vaccines are highly safe and that hesitation to be inoculated is very risky, he added, pointing out that the vaccine uptake, all over the world, is continuously increasing as the number of those inoculated has exceeded over two billion.
He stressed the importance of the distancing during gatherings and meetings, pointing that the vaccine decreases the chances for contracting the infection and limits the intractable disease, too.
On the proceeding of vaccination in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, he explained that the number of coronavirus vaccines' doses stood at 14,852,246 given at 590 inoculation centers across the country, drawing attention that the raising level of vaccination will lead to the safe side, elaborating that various false information in regard of the vaccines, are widely reported and echoed, warning against circulating them.
As many as 984 new cases have been reported, raising the toll of confirmed cases to 457,546, with 9,446 active cases undergoing medical treatment, however almost all of them are stable against 1,545.
On the other hand, the total number of recoveries in the Kingdom, rose to 440,644 as 1,185 new cases were reported.
As many as 16 new deaths made the overall fatalities 7,456, all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, he concluded.
Source: Saudi Press Agency