OIC Condemns Crimes of Extremist Settlers in West Bank

Jeddah: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned the daily crimes and organized terrorism perpetrated by extremist settler gangs under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces. These acts of violence include indiscri…

Jeddah: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned the daily crimes and organized terrorism perpetrated by extremist settler gangs under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces. These acts of violence include indiscriminate shooting at innocent Palestinian civilians, destruction of property, arson of homes and vehicles, and torching of agricultural lands in several villages in the West Bank. These attacks have also caused numerous deaths and injuries among civilians and are a continuation of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in open violation of international humanitarian law. The organization is holding the Israeli occupation authorities responsible for the ongoing crimes and aggressions against the Palestinian people. It has urged the international community, especially the United Nations (UN) Security Council, to ensure the provision of international protection for the Palestinians. The OIC has also called for an immediate and comprehensive end to the con tinuous Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the holy city of Jerusalem. Additionally, it demands that the Israeli occupation be held accountable for all the crimes it has committed against the Palestinian people, their land, and their holy sites. Source: Saudi Press Agency

Huge explosions sound in Tel Aviv

The correspondent of the Russian RT channel in Tel Aviv reported that huge explosions had occurred in the city of Tel Aviv, shaking the city shortly after the sirens sounded.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The correspondent of the Russian RT channel in Tel Aviv reported that huge explosions had occurred in the city of Tel Aviv, shaking the city shortly after the sirens sounded. Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Video: The moment Hezbollah missiles fired towards the air and missile defense headquarters in the Golan

The National Iraqi News Agency publishes a video clip of the Lebanese Hezbollah bombing the air and missile defense headquarters in Kaila barracks in the occupied Golan with Katyusha missiles

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The National Iraqi News Agency publishes a video clip of the Lebanese Hezbollah bombing the air and missile defense headquarters in Kaila barracks in the occupied Golan with Katyusha missiles Source: National Iraqi News Agency

American prediction: The Iranian attack will include between 400 and 500 drones in addition to missiles

The American ABC network reported – citing sources in Washington – that it believes that the Iranian attack will include between 400 and 500 drones that will be launched towards Israel, in addition to missiles.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The American ABC network reported - citing sources in Washington - that it believes that the Iranian attack will include between 400 and 500 drones that will be launched towards Israel, in addition to missiles. Source: National Iraqi News Agency